This was sent to Susie by me just after she got ill and went to stay at her mum's for a couple of weeks. At time of writing, she was still there, still feeling rough, (but had a Mariella Frostrup growl apparently,) and had still not read this email. Hopefully it will be a nice surprise for her when she gets back. Get well chuck.
Alcohol: A field guide to inebriation.
By Malcom P. Wilderbeest.
It has often been said that it has often been said that variety is the spice of life. This is clearly untrue. Firstly, life is not a culinary dish as far as we are aware with only our limited perception of the many and various dimensions available from the catalogue. Therefore it cannot be ‘spiced’. Thirdly, variety describes something of an assortment and life is quite obviously an assortment of it’s own, (some scientists now speculate on the idea that life actually constitutes an ‘abundance’ and thereby follows a completely different set of socio-economic quasi-gravitational centrifugal rules, but they are usually asked to sit down and drink a hot, sweet cup of tea and have a Hob Nob before being gently led away by the elbow before never being seen again.) so how can you spice an assortment with another assortment? In algebraic logic theory, it would look something like this:
Where u equals you and T equals true, so it reads you are not true.
In HTML it would look like this:
Variety is the spice of life.
Which is all by way of saying that alcoholic beverages are the nation’s favourite pastime. Which Nation I hear you cry? Well obviously I don’t since I’m here and you aren’t, (presumably you are ‘there’,) so there is no way I could hear you. Anyway as far as I am concerned you can pick one as it applies almost universally, apart from the Republic of Togo, where it is the nation’s second favourite pastime, after moose juggling. The National moose juggling finals are held in Pwayta Funta, the capital of Togo and can get quite messy.
So thus far we have conclusively proven that alcohol exists and that many scientists drink. So far none of this is my fault, apart from a scientist who I drove to drink in Iceland one balmy summer’s eve, but that was only because his pedalo had broken down. In terms of cause and effect, we have two situations that require further exploration: Either life is the cause and alcohol is the effect or else alcohol is the cause and the effect has yet to be discovered. This is because those brave explorers that have tried to map the furthest uncharted territories of alcohol have often either died from cirrhosis of the liver or have been, at best, too pissed to have been able to record their incredible journey and its subsequent findings.
It was Benedictine monks who first discovered that fermenting certain fruits, adding water and gently flavouring them got you completely munted and so a drink was of course named after them – Drambuie. These monks spent many happy days in blissful contentment, staggering through the monastery, swearing at the pigeons, trying to shag any nun in sight and vomiting copiously into the undergrowth. This is in contrast to the Buddhist monks, who abstained from drinking and trained for days to become rock hard and therefore kick seven bells out of anyone that looked at them funny for wearing orange dresses. The moral of the story is that drinking makes one slurry and drowsy but not drinking makes one more disciplined, but also violent and psychotic.
Of the many types of drink, only water is non-alcoholic. Some people mention fruit juices, cordials and even non-alcoholic beers and wines but usually I completely ignore them until they get upset and go away. If they persist I wrestle them to the floor and force feed them Stella until they acquiesce.
Furthermore on the subject of teats… where was I? Oh yes – backpacking in the Andes is fraught with… heh… Andes… I know a joke about that. Where does a soldier keep his armies? Up his sleevies! Ha ha! Oh wait… that was armies, not Andes… well anyway I think we have proven that you can’t get a dog drunk, especially without it’s owner’s consent… and… *urp*… I think I need to lie down. That absinthe was…
Wait! What was that?
I think I’m going to be sick…
Yer ma bezz mate. Yer are. No, yer are… *urp*…
Ooooh…. I’m gonna be sore in tha mornin’.
Malcom P. Wilderbeest is a notorious lush and currently of no fixed abode. He likes drinking and passing out, although not necessarily in that order. He is married to twins, one of whom mysteriously disappears every morning. He can often be found in the gutter wearing a technicolour yawn and can be contacted through your local rehab.
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